The “Uly Chynar” ES personnel on the HIL – TM Center’s invitation participated in the first international online conference: “To change thinking in management systems with the new standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 31000, ISO 37001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001”, conducted by the “CERT academy” Company with USAID support.
Thanks to the highest professionalism and competence of personnel and trainers staff, as well as to the collected 15-years experience of work, the “Cert academy” takes the leading positions in field of conduction of training courses on management systems. Within 2 days lections held by Ildar Ineleyev, Marat Habibulin, Riad Ibragimov. A lot of materials on international standards were learnt, and lectors gave the answers to interested us questions. In result of the conference the participants will receive the certificates and a huge experience.
The “Uly Chynar” Company would like to express it’s gratitude to online – conference administrators for the very useful experience and gained skills. Our Company is looking forward to continue co-operation with such team of professionals.